하위메뉴 시작
UNESCO Media art Creative city
본문내용 시작

Campina Grande / Brazil

페이지 정보




The Brazilian city of Campina Grande has a strong vein of creativity and innovation. It pioneered the creation of a technological park and a media arts course, until now the only example in the country. One of the main attractions is the SESI Digital Museum of Campina Grande, a media arts space dedicated to the history of the city. The city garnered significant recognition as a Brazilian university centre, counting 21 universities and colleges. It is also the city with proportionally the highest number of PhDs per capita in Brazil, 1 for each 590 inhabitants, six times the national average. All this provides the city with much needed young talent for its development in culture and creativity, notably media arts. Campina Grande is planning to launch several projects in collaboration with other UCCN member cities. These projects include an International Festival of Media Arts, the establishment of an Innovation and Media Arts Laboratory, and the creation of a methodology for the mapping of the creative economy. The city believes in creativity as a driving force of its development and proposed a propositional instrument of a municipal public policy for the creative economy. In recent years, the city has demonstrated its capacity to organize large-scale events, São João de Campina Grande, which are capable of simultaneously promoting dancing music, theatre, craftsmanship, gastronomy and media arts.


Added Value:
As a Creative City of Media Arts, the following steps will be important:
- Developing South-South and North-South cooperation through the International Festival of Media Arts;
- Sharing new operational methodologies, such as on iconographic research, mapping of the creative economy, and cartography of cultural singularities;
- Providing exchange opportunities for media arts researchers and students with other cities in the UCCN; and
- Participating actively in UCCN’s events and in particular those related to the Creative Cites of Media Arts.