하위메뉴 시작
UNESCO Media art Creative city
본문내용 시작

Linz / Austria

페이지 정보




Ever since the inception of Ars Electronica and the Cloud of Sound in 1979, Linz – Europe’s 2009 Capital of Culture – has been making impressive strides as a trailblazer and international hotbed of media arts and digital competence. The annual Ars Electronica Festival and Prix Ars Electronica showcase and honour excellence and deliver essential impetus to media culture worldwide; while the Ars Electronica Centre and Futurelab are driving forces for innovation both in research and development as well as in education throughout the region.

Today, the city is concentrating on transforming a former industrial site located in the heart of the inner city into a centre of the creative economy: the Linz’s Tabakfabrik campus, with Creative Region, Linz and Upper Austria’s creative industries development company, at its core. Another priority on the city’s agenda is to become Europe’s first Open Commons region. Furthermore, the City of Linz will acquire a substantial part of the oeuvre of renowned performance and media artist Valie Export and make it available in a brand-new research centre.

On the basis of recent urban development that has accentuated culture and the creative economy, Linz has the know-how and experience in high level cooperation to contribute to the Network.


Added Value:
As a Creative City of Media Arts, Linz envisages:
• exploring synergistic benefits for the Network in conjunction with Ars Electronica’s worldwide activities and linkup to its wide-ranging global network;
• offering high quality education and training in media arts and media culture, including numerous collaborative possibilities for instructors and students;
• sharing best-practice projects related to open access of networks and content;
• fostering an active media culture scene featuring a wide array of production sites and creative hubs;
• developing attractive strategic possibilities to expand the Ars Electronica Residency Network by partnering with the UCCN; and
• sharing the city’s experience with archiving and scholarly work on media arts; and the integration of the regional media culture scene and the creative economy, through pilot projects set up in Linz’s Tabakfabrik campus.